Tuesday, August 08, 2006


so i was thinking about all the different guys i've kissed. just 3. well, i was thinking about the first guy i kissed. that was bad. it was really bad. i was in the tenth grade and he was my boyfriend. he was in the ninth grade though. i know, i know. anyways, he was walking me to my bus...i know i know...and it was raining and he leaned in and started kissing me and oh my god. the worst kiss ever. he had these huge lips, which i loved, but he just didn't know how to work it. it was wet and sloppy, no tongue, just lips and...ugh! well anyways, his name is dekarl and he has a baby by a white girl now. and to think, it could've been me. anyways, that lasted 8 days. and that was the only kiss.

so the second guy, daniel, i initiated that one. we were at the mall hanging out and we're walking through like jc penny or something. and i take us into a dressing room and just like took advantage of him. it was the first time for me with tongue, so that was cool. it wasn't great, but it was pretty ok. defintely better than that first one. that was the first of many with him. it was good, but there just had to be something better. that lasted like 7 months i think. he broke up with me to be with this girl that me and riche hate. i don't even think the girl is cute, but whatever. his loss. like two months later, i got with #3.

lamar...#3. so far, he's been the best kisser. see how i said 'so far'. uh huh. no, he's the best. the first time was like a month and a half after we started going out. yeah, everybody knows i like to take things really really slowly. so we were up in like some extra room in his 'step mom's' house and scary movie was on the tv and that's where it was. not the best kiss ever, but the best first kiss i'd had. and they only kept getting better from there.

so i'm thinking, it keeps getting better with each guy, i need to be doing something here. having some fun. why not? i'm only 21. and it's only kissing. no harm in that right? i like that idea.

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