Saturday, August 26, 2006

i had this really weird, bad dream last night.

i was on this school bus that had like two or three kids on it. black kids. i was like 'why are there only three kids on here and where's the bus driver?' so i get off the bus and there were like two hundred black people gathered outside at like a park or something. and it was sunny outside and there was nothing but black people walking around. so i start walking around, just seeing where the heck i was and what the heck was going on. so i'm about to get on the bus when out of nowhere, there's like 3 or 4 white people that walk up with shotguns. this one white dude, i guess he was the leader, he had all these black tattoss all over his back and his arms and face. and on the back of his head. he had on a white t-shirt and white shorts. they all had skinheads and had on white shorts and shirts. well he goes up to this one dude who has a kid on his shoulders. he aims the gun and at the little boy on his dad's shoulders and the boy just smiles at the gun like it's a camera. and it takes the white dude so long to pop off the shot. it takes him like a whole minute to get it out and he just shoots the little boy's head off. there's blood everywhere. and the weird part was, everyone just kept right on like nothing happened. the black people just kept on doing what they were doing. walking around, talkin, doing whatever. so these few white guys just start shooting these black people and they don't do anything. just keep going. and it takes them so long to pop off one shot. like, it should only take a second to pull the trigger, but it takes them a full minute or so to do a single shot. so i get back on the bus, cause apparently i'm the only one who notices that these white guys are killing folks. why i didn't shout and warn everybody, i don't know. but i get back on the bus and try to save these kids. i only see one little black boy left on there. so i go over to his seat and hear the door opening. its a white woman with a gun, one of them, so i grab the boy, get on the floor under the seat and see these dead black kids all on the floor. we hide under the seat as she walks down the aisle to the back door. as she's checking the handle to the back door to see if it was locked, i sneak up behind her and hit her in the head and knock her out. i take the gun and the little boy, sneak out the back door of the bus, then that's was it. that's all i remember.

that was really the weirdest dream i have ever had in my life. i was so disturbed by it. anyways, it's 5:20 and i have been up all night. i'm gonna go to sleep now and hopefully not have any dreams like that tonight. excuse me, this morning. i'll holla.


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