Saturday, October 01, 2005

it's saturday afternoon and i'm at the library. i was gonna get this computer i've been looking at for a while today, but i had to loan vickey...$500. can you believe that? i can't. but she assures me that i'm getting it back. so i'm pretty much broke again with rent, bills, and then my careless spending...buying junk. anyways, i forgot to bring my pictures this week, but i'll try to remember them next week.

i won these four tickets to the renaissance festival here in charlotte. i think it runs all of october and november, so i have to find some people to go with.

anyway, life is pretty good right now. don't know what much else to say. hopefully, i'll have a computer in the next couple weeks up and running and i can start doing my daily blog again. no, i will definitely have a computer up and running in the next couple weeks. that's for sure. anyways, gonna go now, gotta go take care of some business then go home and maybe take a nap. holla!


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