Tuesday, September 13, 2005

if anyone knows me, they know i hate bugs. i am terrified, horrified of them. i was taking the trash out the other night and there was this leaf looking thing on the wall outside and i was walking past it down the stairs and stopped to see what it was. by the time i realized what it was and tried to jump away, the damn that had already jumped on my leg and that's when i lost it. i completely broke down. i screamed so fucking loud and was jumping all over the place. i dropped the trash and made a real scene. my brother came running outside thinking something bad happened to me...and it did...then my stupid neighbor from upstairs came running out to see what the hell was going on. i was scared out of my mind though. i hate bugs.

speaking of that neighbor from upstairs. let me talk about what he did. so it was friday and they had blocked my blogger so after work, i went up to his apartment to use his computer. he was like, 'wait, i have to clear the screen first' cause he had all kind of porn running on there. i was like 'my boyfriend has that crap on his computer too' (i only refer to lamar as my boyfriend to this jackass cause i can't stand him and he's always trying to get me to go somewhere with him) but anyway, this stupid bitch starts rubbing on my back and gets really close to my face and is like 'oh really? do y'all watch it together?' all this while he's 2 inches from my face and rubbing my back. i stopped everything i was doing, looked at him, and told him to get his hands off of me. what the fuck did he think i was gonna do? have sex with him right there on his damn floor just because i might watch porn with my boyfriend? ha! yeah fucking right. i really can't wait for that bastard to get a clue. i won't be going up there again. i need to get darnell up there to beat his ass. darnell, we have to set that up sometime soon. darnell is a good friend. when i'm having a problem with someone, he offers to beat them up for me. that's what a best friend does for you right there. i'd beat up someone for him too. hey, that's what friends are for.

anyway, wrote too much, gotta save some good stuff for later. holla!


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