Monday, August 08, 2005

you know that one part on coming to america where the landlord is about to take them upstairs to see their apartment when they first get to queens? then this one dude comes rolling down the stairs and the landlord goes...'don't pull that fallin down the stairs shit, yo rent is due motha fucka!" that was so funny. i gotta try that one.

anyway, what's going on with me. nothing really. gonna re-teach myself calculus since i'm going back to school in january. DARNELL'S gonna help me out. my calculus sucks. i only got a 1 on the ap test for it. i got like a 'C' or 'D' in the class. ever since i did all that moving around in tenth grade, after algebra II, i'm dead at math. so DARNELL is gonna help me out. he's so smart. he said he got a 1460 or something like that on the SAT's, but he does like to tell stories. and he said he got a 2 or 3 on the ap test, i forget which one, but i don't know, he tells so many stories.

oh yeah, and it was so weird yesterday, we were just talking about sex and virginity and he was actually telling me that i should be sleeping with lamar. they like hate each other and this dude is telling me that it's not fair for me to be with him for four years and not be having sex with him. i was like, i know this isn't coming out of DARNELL'S mouth. wow, i'll give it some thought but...i doubt it.

anyways, talked to daniel this weekend. a lot of dudes that i talk to, they love to talk. and i don't talk so much, so it's perfect. like when i talk to lamar, he does most of the talking, darnell does most of the talking, daniel does most of the talking. i only do most of the talking when i'm talking to sam or to my mom. that's it. but i don't mind. i guess these dudes just know me and know i don't talk much, so they do enough talking for the both of us.

so, all right. feeling sick this morning, so i'm praying this day goes by fast and i won't have to do any kind of overtime, although, i really won't mind the overtime. i'm paying the last $1000 this month on my student loan. after this month, i'm just gonna be saving all kinds of money. saving for so many different things though. for school, and that'll probably be it. i'll save for school and then work this job in the daytime and go to school at night. save up for graduate school i guess. sounds like a plan.

all right then, i'll holla!


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