Wednesday, August 17, 2005

i went out to get some apple juice down from the corner store one day last week and i saw this guy parked like two spots down from me on the passenger side staring at me. so i go into the store, get my juice and go out to my car. this asshole parks right next to my on the driver's side and he gets up out of his car and it's this big tall fat ugly black dude and he comes over to my car and i'm trying to hurry up and get inside and drive away, but this idiot runs over, holds out his hand and says, 'hi, i'm rick james'. rick james? ok. so i don't wanna be rude, so i shake his hand and say hi, big mistake. this negro doesn't let go of my hand for the next couple minutes. i had to snatch it away. geeze louise! i can't stand niggas. some black people all right, but the niggas have got to go.

anyway, i think the moral of the story is that if i get orange juice next time, i might be all right.


jenny "you don't have to outrun the bear, only your slowest friend" jenn jenn
-i told that to sam, the bear thing, and she cracked up.

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