Sunday, September 11, 2022

 Me and Lance celebrated our sixth anniversary yesterday. It’s funny cause he asked where we should go eat and he wanted seafood and I told him let’s go somewhere the kids would want to eat too. He reminded me that it’s OUR anniversary and we can eat where WE wanted. Lol, it’s funny how your way of thinking changes when you have kids. 

I haven’t updated this blog in a while but we have a daughter now. Willow. Born in 2021. I wouldn’t mind having more, but Lance isn’t interested. I always joke that he may be done but I’m not. 

I’ve started therapy again for my social anxiety. It’s been about ten years since the last time I tried this. Time to try again. 

I’ve got a busy week ahead. I have a medical student shadow me every month so I’m forced to be extra social at work. I don’t mind it I guess. Keeps me on my toes. 

I’m in the process of getting my Georgia Optometry license. We don’t plan on staying in memphis forever. We’d like to go back home at some point so I just want to be prepared when we do. Besides…memphis is getting WILD. 

Thanksgiving is coming up and we’re having a lot of my family over. About half of my 10 siblings will be there I think and my dad. I’m hosting here in memphis so I can’t wait. Should be an experience. 

Thinking about taking the kids to Florida next month. Willow still has to meet my mom and dad. Lance's dad too for that matter. We’ll get there. 

I’m looking into getting my masters in public health. I want to get it through Harvard though. Part of the program is online and the other part is in person…in Boston. I’m looking to start maybe fall of next year. 

Ok that’s it for now. Catch up soon. 

Friday, September 09, 2022

 I’m back y’all.